Creation of a cooperative identity of a territory which needs to be differentiated and identified.
The project consists of making known a serious issue of contamination that exists in the territory and trying to raise the populations awerness that something must be done in order to conserve the environment.
The mar menor is the largest inland sea in Europe, it is situated in the south east of the "Peninsula Iberica", on the coast of the Murcia region. Designated by the United Nations as a protected area of special importance for the Mediterranean. Separated from the Mediterranean sea by "La Manga" ( a strip of land 22 km long and varying between 100m-1200m in width).

It represents the craft of fishing itself, a peculiar fishing method of the territory (Weirs) WEIR: is a spiral shaped maze, in which fishes are trapped due to the currents from the Mediterranean sea without suffering any type of harm. A constant dynamism as that of the ocean currents.